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Your unique identifiers are for life. Keep them preciously.

The ISNI, IPI, IPN and Registrant Code are unique identifiers for the various contributors of a music content.

The ISWC, ISRC and UPC are unique identifiers attributed to the music content itself.

For Everyone

Get or retrieve your ISNI

Who is it for?

All the contributors associated with a creative work, including a music content, should have an ISNI. This includes both creators (performers, musicians, authors, etc.) and other actors in the industrial chain (makers, record labels, etc.), whether they are individuals or organizations.

How can I get it?

First, make sure you do not have one already:

If you don't, simply contact a registrant agency such as

What Is It?

The International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI) is a standardized unique identifier administered by the International Standard Organisation (ISO).

It allows to distinguish homonyms and link aliases.

It serves as a link between various databases. It is recommended you send your ISNI to open databases such as MusicBrainz or Wikidata.

Authors, Composers and Publishers

Get or retrieve your IPI

Who is it for?

Authors, composers and publishers of a musical work.

How can I get it?

To obtain your IPI, you must register as a member with a Collective Management Organization such as SOCAN.

An IPI will be assigned to you automatically.

If you already are a member of SOCAN, you can retrieve your IPI number by logging into your profile on their web site.

What Is It?

The Interested Parties Information (IPI) is a unique identifier for authors, composers, publishers, arrangers, adaptors and translators.

It is useful to Collective Management Organizations in order to properly distribute royalties amongst the various rights holders.

For Performers (Singers, Musicians)

Get or retrieve your IPN

Who is it for?

Performers: singers or musicians.

How can I get it?

To obtain your IPN, you must register as a member with a Collective Management Organization for performers who is a member of SCAPR, such as ARTISTI. An IPN will be assigned to you automatically.

The IPN is not public. To access it, you need to make a request to your Collective Management Organization.

What Is It?

The International Performer Number (IPN) is a unique identifier for performers: singers or musicians.

It is useful to Collective Management Organizations for performers in order to properly distribute royalties amongst their rights holders by distinguishing people with the same names.

For Makers and Record Labels

Get or retrieve your Registrant Code (a prerequisite of the ISRC)

Who is it for?

The first owner of a sound recording must request a Registrant Code.

How can I get it?

To obtain your three characters Registrant Code, you simply need to submit an online request to Soproq.

Request Your ISRC Code

What Is It?

The Registrant Code is a three characters alpha-numeric code representing the first owner. Using this code, first owners can then create their own ISRC codes.

Important note: it is considered a best practice to use your own Registrant Code for all your sound recordings instead of relying on a third party.